0131 271 4610

King's Park Primary School


Children’s Learning In outdoor Classroom

Outdoor learning this week: we have been doing lots of measuring and sorting. We brought back various sticks in order to make frames for the art area within the nursery. The children have been sorting and collecting twigs and sticks and using string and twine and Ivy in order to tie them together and make a square or rectangular frame. We intent to make some flower pictures with these as the children have enjoyed experimenting with crushed flowers to see the colours that appear on fabric.

We also made some stars from sticks and hung them in the trees in the woods, they children loved this. As the weather has been a little wet this week we felt that using the mud slide might be a bit too risky so we went to a different part of the wood and explored different ways to move out body, to use our arms to pull ourselves up and to balance on the fallen tree, this also makes a great place for snack time too! Many of our less confident children are showing great resilience in the woods and are keen to explore their surroundings more confidently.

We have also found weaving leaves and twigs together to make necklaces and these have been brought back to the nursery and the children have decorated our learning tree with them. One child made me a necklace and said I was the Queen of the Forest!

We have seen a few more woodland creatures this week one of whom is a cheeky squirrel that we often see running up the trees to hide from us. This week we have begun working on our outdoor classroom floor book. All the children have drawn pictures of themselves in the floor book and already taken ownership of it.This is something we will be working on with the children recording their learning in their own words on a weekly basis. This book will go to the woods with us so please don’t expect it to pristine at all. This will be on display at nursery and we would welcome your feedback. Please remember our feedback tree in nursery, we would love to hear from you, please take a leaf anytime and make a comment or give us an idea.

Digital Camera

Stick Frames

Digital Camera

Digital Camera

Rainbows in the woods

Digital Camera

Digital Camera


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