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King's Park Primary School

School Clubs

In addition to the various committees and elected roles that pupils adopt within King’s Park, a number of clubs are available for enjoyment. These are voluntary activities and are ran out-with class time.

Here are some of the clubs which are available to King’s Park pupils.

Homework Club

Having a quiet place, free of distractions, is perfect for completing homework but unfortunately it is often difficult to provide such a place in a busy home. For this reason, King’s Park has been running a Homework Club for the past few years.

During the club, children complete homework, which has been set in class, with access to computers and supervised by a member of teaching staff. The club is held on a Tuesday, from 3.30—4.15 pm and is usually open to pupils from P5-7; in some circumstances, and in consultation with class teachers and school management, P4 children are able to attend.

The completion of homework provides reinforcement of class teaching and an opportunity to practise skills learnt in school, and Homework Club is an ideal setting for this.

Application forms are available from Ms Wilson, Class Teacher and Homework Club Coordinator.

Running Club

The Running Club has started this year with a group of Primary 6 and Primary 7 pupils who run with Miss Gardiner and Miss Bell.

The club takes place on a Wednesday lunch time during autumn and winter and the group undertake different activities each week to improve their fitness and speed of their running.

We use King’s Park for our runs and have been out in the park in all weathers completing endurance activities, timed runs, interval training and relays!

The Club is a great opportunity for pupils to exercise in the park, develop their fitness and have some fun at lunch time!

Football Club

During the spring and summer, both boy’s and girls’ football clubs run to allow Primary 7 pupils to take part in Scotland’s national sport. Pupils undertake exercises and drills aimed to improve their ball skills, teamwork and fitness in a fun and engaging form.

Both boys and girls’ football teams will have the opportunity to compete against other primary schools in Midlothian, allowing pupils the opportunity to meet and interact with potential new class mates ahead of their transition to high school.