The school promotes a strong positive image in our community. The King’s Park crest and colours are part of the town’s traditions and we hope your child will be proud to wear them.
Our dress code forms an important part of the ethos of the school, encouraging a clear sense of identity and belonging. We believe that pupils arriving at school following the dress code demonstrate a readiness for the learning day, whereas designer clothes and trainers are more suited to alternative settings and events.
Our Pupil Council promotes school uniform during our assemblies and singalongs and we are aim for 100% dress code amongst our pupils. We appreciate the support of all parents in the matter of promoting our dress code.
Please note, for the purposes of avoiding conflict, football team logos on sports clothing is not permitted at school. Newly pierced ears with studs etc must be covered with tape during PE lessons to minimise the risk of injury.
Our dress code consists of
For PE lessons, pupils are required to wear shorts and polo shirts or T-shirts (in white or ‘house’ colours).
School dress code wear costs less than many other kinds of clothing, particularly ‘branded’ or designer items, the wearing of which can result in competition or peer pressure.
School fleeces, jackets, sweatshirts, polo shirts and T-shirts, cardigans, ties and gym bags, as well as a range of polo shirt in our “house” colours, can all be ordered online either from Border Embroideries or from Tesco.
Please put your child’s name on all items of clothing that he / she might remove during the school day, eg sweatshirts and fleeces, gym rubbers, school bag.
The Authority operates a scheme of clothing grants to assist parents in ensuring that a pupil is sufficiently and suitably dressed to take full advantage of the education provided.
Families in receipt of Income-based Job Seekers allowance, on Income Support or Child Tax Credit but not Working tax Credit (subject to a maximum annual income) or support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 will automatically qualify for such a scheme.
Other cases will be determined according to the personal circumstances of the family.
Parents who wish to apply for the scheme should complete an application form, which is available from the school or the Education and Children’s Services Division, Fairfield House, 8 Lothian Road, Dalkeith EH22 3ZG