Should you wish to enrol your child in our nursery you should do this as soon after his/her second birthday as possible. Places are allocated in order of date of application within a cohort of age, except in special circumstances. If there are limited places then the admissions policy states that children are allocated places by age. National legislation ensures nursery places for all four year olds and also to three year olds, from the first full school term following their birth date. Nursery places, however, might not necessarily be available at the nursery of your choice. Application forms and full details of enrolment are available from the school. Mrs Sikes, Depute Headteacher and Mrs Moffat, Principal Teacher, nursery, meet with parents /carers to discuss arrangements for the move to our nursery. Allocation for morning and afternoon places is based on the Midlothian Admissions Policy requiring a mix of three and four year olds in each session. It is no longer possible to change nursery sessions – once your child starts they will remain in that session for their whole time in nursery.
Our nursery, based in a large open-plan area, is an integral part of our school. The nursery programme develops learning skills and broadens experience and knowledge. Through careful observation and planning we aim to support your child’s development. Positive attitudes to learning are fostered and nurtured. Children are encouraged to develop independence, make choices and work and share with other children. We have also introduced a parents’/carers room next to our nursery which has proved a popular addition to our nursery facilities.
Midlothian Council has advised that a potential restriction in the P1 enrolment for August 2014 would affect a number of schools, including King’s Park. We were advised this decision was due to; the total projected number of pupils at the school giving concern about the school capacity or the number of pre-school catchment pupils being particularly high. The arrangement put in place by the authority to ensure that the maximum intake is not exceeded and that places are allocated in accordance with Midlothian Council’s policy is as follows:
During the enrolment period, the relevant schools are to submit a list of parents who express interest in a place at the schools affected. In the event of there being more notes of interest than places available, priority will be given to those who have a sibling already attending the school. Remaining places will be granted on the basis of proximity to the school. In the event of more notes of interest then places available Peter McNaughton, Director of Education, will make decisions on the allocation of places and advise schools and parents of the outcome. The maximum class size for Primary 1, by legislation, is 25 pupils.
The first year in school is extremely important in your child’s education. We aim to make this an enjoyable, successful and secure time for children. We also try to make their entry to Primary 1 as welcoming as possible. Before the school’s summer break we write to invite Primary 1 intake parents and children to a school visit. We encourage all parents to take up this visit before starting in Primary 1. Should you be unable to attend the visit, an alternative opportunity to visit can be arranged by phoning the school on 0131 271 4610.
The visit gives the children an opportunity to see the school, familiarise them with their new classroom and meet their teacher and any non teaching staff with whom they will be working. The children will also meet some of their new classmates. This visit includes an opportunity for parents and school to discuss and prepare for the early experiences of Primary 1.
Children are admitted to King’s Park in small groups over the first few days of term in August. This provides a more secure beginning, allowing staff time to meet children individually and parents with an opportunity to talk to teachers. The children attend school for mornings only for the first one or two weeks. As part of the pre-summer visit, each child will receive his/her ‘special’ booklet, to share and discuss with their parents. The booklet contains helpful information and advice about the start of school.
Before starting school full time a familiarisation lunch is offered to all parents and Primary 1 pupils to familiarise with lunchtime arrangements and to meet the catering staff.
Enrolment to P2 – P7 stage simply involves coming to the school office, asking for and completing the enrolment forms. If pupil numbers in the class allow, a place will be offered. We encourage pre-visits before enrolling, to view the school and discuss the enrolment with key members of staff. An opportunity to visit the school can be arranged by phoning the school on 0131 271 4610.
At the end of their primary education, our pupils normally transfer to Dalkeith High School. We have very good relations with Dalkeith High and our associated primaries. Links normally include an evening in the High School for Primary 7 parents and children, a P7 Christmas event, a Primary 6 Curriculum ‘fun’ Day and a Primary 7 residential, all of which involve all the primaries associated with Dalkeith High. Guidance staff from Dalkeith High School attend the residential and guidance staff and subject teachers also visit the primaries in advance of the transfer.
Parents of non-district pupils wishing to enrol at a preferred primary or high school require to complete an out-of-catchment placement request*. Details are available from the authority or school. Confirmation of places is normally advised by the authority in April.
*Please note that an enrolment form still requires to be completed for the catchment school in order to secure a place for your child in Primary 1, as placement requests are not guaranteed.