In the event of adverse weather conditions or events that may affect the operational procedures of the school or the safety of our pupils and staff, we will ensure that we:
In the event of severe weather conditions or any event that may affect the everyday running of the school, we adhere to the advice from Midlothian Council. Following an assessment of the situation, and after consultation with appropriate staff in Midlothian Council, a decision will be made on whether or not to close the school.
We will provide information about school closures and any special arrangements to parents and carers as soon as possible after the decision is taken. We will communicate via:
Arrangements for re-opening will be communicated via the same communication channels.
Some school closure situations are unique and we need to put alternative arrangements in place for collecting pupils (for example, use an alternative door of the school, go to the gym hall). In these situations we will let you know via our communication channels and we will put signs on entry doors and school gates.
It is extremely important that all phone numbers and emergency contact numbers are kept up to date, Please let the office staff know when you change any phone number.
If there is bad weather at the weekend and there is a question about the school being opened, the procedure is to listen to Radio Forth and Radio Scotland for information. Midlothian website will also have regularly updated information.
If weather is bad and the school is open we would appreciate that children come to school as near to the bell time as possible. Children will be able to go into their building from 8.45am. We would also appreciate the children being dressed appropriately with a warm winter jacket, hats, gloves and a scarf, as well as appropriate footwear.
Please find attached Home Learning Plans which have been provided to support your child in the event of a school closure due to Severe Weather.
A document has also been attached with useful links to further support your child.