0131 271 4610

King's Park Primary School

HWB Committee

The Health and Wellbeing Committee (HWB) consists of pupils from Primary 4 to 7. Pupils applied to be members of the group and will work with Mr Dougal, Miss Holligan, Miss Mowat and Mrs Campbell. Meetings will take place largely on a fortnightly basis.

The HWB group is responsible for looking at different areas of Health and Wellbeing. They have three focus areas which are School Sport, Mindfulness and Healthy Eating. As a group we wish to raise the profile of these areas and celebrate success.

Two of the main tasks we will be working on this year are re-applying for our Sports Scotland School Sports Award. Presently we have a Gold Award showing our commitment to School Sport and we hope to regain this. In order to do this we will have to work on a detailed application and work closely with the Midlothian Active School’s team in order to be successful.

The second main job is organising our school’s Health and Wellbeing Week. We plan to have a range of activities for our whole School to get involved with in late June in which a variety of areas will be focused on. Last year we took part in sports coaching sessions, meditation and even had a visit from a Team GB athlete.

If parents have any area of expertise we are always keen to get you involved with the life of the School. Please contact us if you can help in anyway coaching sports teams, sharing your healthy eating knowledge or can guide meditation!


We are always keen to organise new sporting clubs and in the coming year we will be encouraging Staff, Parents or Carers to lead clubs if possible. These clubs will be in addition to the Active Schools clubs and will hopefully allow us to visit other Schools to compete against them.

Our Boys and Girls Football team will be visiting other Schools in Midlothian to play friendly fixtures and there are plans for Netball and Hockey Club.

We also hope to build on our Playground PALs success and encourage older pupils to coach sports at lunchtime for younger pupils. Watch this space!

Wider Achievements

We are always keen to share the wider achievements of our School community. We will do this by displaying photos in School and also celebrating success at our Huddle meets. Already this year we have celebrated success in the following sports:

In addition to this we encourage pupils to bring in medals, certificates and badges from activities outside of School. If you have recently been awarded something or competed somewhere then let us know!

Active Schools Clubs This Term

Hip Hop Dance – P4 to P7
Football – P3 to P6

Hip Hop Dance – P2 to P3
Judo – P4 and P5

Football – P2
Football – P1
Fun Athletics – P1 to P3

For further information on timings please see Active School Calendar at www.activemidlothian.org.uk

Midlothian Commonwealth Passport

We are excited to be involved in this new project with Active Schools. We need as many people to take part in our School in order to keep active and making new friends. The project is also designed to encourage children to try out new sports in the Community. So if you have always wanted to try out Bowls, Basketball or Boxing this is the project for you!