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King's Park Primary School

Pupil Council

At King’s Park, the Pupil Council represents the voice of all pupils and is formed from pupils in each class. The current Pupil Council were elected in October 2013, with elections take place in each class. Primary 1 have their elections in January of each year and are Pupil Council Reps until the summer term. Two Captains and three Vice-Captains are also elected from P7.

Pupil Voice

We meet regularly to discuss the School Improvement Plan and what action we feel needs taken. We work very closely with the Parent Council. We all report back to our classes after every meeting and also during Team Huddle times. Miss Bell, Acting Principal Teacher, leads the Pupil Council this year. We take responsibility for our own learning and are part of the decision making process along with Senior Management/Staff/Parents and the wider community

Pupil Council Captains and Vice Captains

2013 – 2014 Action Plan

The Pupil Council have discussed and agreed an action plan for this year.