0131 271 4610

King's Park Primary School

School Bag Drop

Important information is frequently given to your child to take home in their school bag. In case this information gets lost between the classroom and home then a copy of the letter, newsletter, flyer etc will be added to the School Bag Drop area and so appear here.

Date School Bag Drop Item
Next meeting Weds. 24th November at 7pm, Email kpps.ptc@gmail.com for teams invite link. All King’s Park Primary parents and carers - especially new families - are welcome to attend our Parent Council meeting rescheduled from last week to this coming Weds 24th November. We will discuss ongoing initiatives such as the playground shelters and hear from Acting PT Bianca Nicol on what the Nurture Approach looks like in our school. Minutes from last meeting to be found here: KPPS PC minutes Sept 2021 (1) Agenda to follow. Please email at   kpps.ptc@gmail.com   for a meeting invite link if you would like to attend.
Book Week Scotland letter
Next meeting Weds 17th Nov at 7pm
All are very welcome, dial in at any stage.
Agenda to follow. For minutes of last meeting please see here: KPPS PC minutes Sept 2021
For link to Teams invite, please email kpps.ptc@gmail.com
*P A R E N T C O U N C I L* Thurs. 30th September at 7pm, Senior Building A. All King’s Park Primary parents and carers - especially new families - are welcome to attend our school for the first in-person Parent Council meeting of 2021/22. We would love to hear your views on school improvement priorities for the year ahead. Social distancing and face coverings requirements will apply. Agenda to follow. Due to school guidance during COVID times, we need to ensure that we do not have a large gathering. If you are planning to attend the meeting, please email kpps.ptc@gmail.com so that we can monitor numbers.
Please see link below to view the letter received from NHS Scotland. ParentCarers Letter Schools 10 sept 2021 from NHS Lothian
Dear Parents and Carers, Please find below the Active Schools cluster club flyer for this term.   Term 1 Flyer (Sept) - Cluster & Comm clubs only
Dear Parents and Carers Please find in the link below a letter from Mrs Renton, regarding the arrangements for our pupils returning to school in August. Return to School August 2021 (1) Kind regards KPPS

9.6.21 - Parent Council AGM - All Welcome!

Please see Agenda 2020 AGM Minutes and Zoom details below for our meeting tomorrow Weds 9th June @ 7pm

If you can’t make it but would like to be involved,  please email kpps.ptc@gmail.com

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 821 5877 1706

Passcode: 585646

KP PC AGM - Agenda June 2021.docx-2

June 17th KPPS Parent-Council minutes-3

Dear Parents & Carers
Our AGM and last Parent Council meeting of this year will be held via Zoom on Wednesday 9th June at 7pm. All are warmly welcomed.
The agenda will include approval of last June 2020 AGM's minutes, Chair's report, Head Teacher report and the opportunity to propose/approve office bearers for 2021/22 (Chairperson & Secretary). Agenda and 2020 AGM minutes will be circulated shortly. If you have suggestions for our AGM Agenda or candidates to propose for the roles of Chair/Secretary please let me know by Weds 2nd June.
Please see minutes of March PC meeting below.
Dear Parents and Carers, We want to make you aware of a 2 session anxiety workshop for parents delivered by NHS colleagues from the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS).  This workshop is targeted at parents who have children who experience anxiety that they find difficult to manage.  All parents and carers are very welcome to join these workshops.  You do not need to register for these workshops, simply join the workshops using the links provided below. Further information can be found on the information sheet attached. Parent Anxiety Workshop Information Sheet We would like to offer our sincere apologies for parents who tried to access these workshops last month. We experienced technical difficulties for the second session and were unable to go ahead with this.  We apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused. In you have already attended session 1 and would like to come along to the second session detailed below, you are very welcome along. Kind regards CAMHS TEAM Workshop 1:  Tuesday 18th May 2021, 3-430pm; Understanding anxiety in children and young people Workshop 2: Tuesday 8th June 2021, 3-430pm; Strategies to manage anxiety in children and young people We have sent out the link via Groupcall to parent email addresses if we have one and the School App.  Please contact the school office on 0131 271 4610 or email us at kingspark_ps@midlothian.gov.uk if you would like us to send you on the link another way.    
Dear Parents and Carers, As you may already be aware, NHS Lothian recently announced that the new Royal Hospital for Children and Young People will fully open on Tuesday 23 March 2021. From this date, the remaining Children’s services presently located at Sciennes, including A&E, will move to the Royal Hospital for Children and Young People located next to the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh at Little France. The new facilities are already home to the majority of the Children’s Outpatient services and the Department of Clinical Neurosciences (DCN), which both migrated to the Little France site in July 2020. Earlier this year, the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) inpatient facilities and some outpatient services also moved to the new hospital. The Royal Hospital for Children and Young People will deliver local, regional and national services in some of the most modern and best-designed healthcare facilities in the world. With the new facilities connected to the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, paediatric care, specialist neonatal care, neurosciences and both Emergency Departments are now all on the same site. This reduces the need for emergency transfers between hospitals, and ensures that the NHS Lothian teams can share skills and expertise for the benefit of all patients. The remaining Children’s Services that are presently located at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children at Sciennes will move to the new hospital by Tuesday 23 March. From 8am on Tuesday 23 March, all patients and any child or young person up to the age of 16 requiring access to A&E, must go to the new Royal Hospital for Children and Young People at Little France. Royal Hospital for Children and Young People Kind regards KPPS
Please find below an update regarding the return to school arrangements for our P4-7 pupils. Return to school P4-7 Update  
Please find the minutes from January's PTA meeting here: January PTA minutes 2021 and the Agenda for the next meeting on Tuesday 23 February here: PTA February Agenda
P A R E N T   C O U N C I L meeting, Thursday 25.2.2021
All King’s Park Parents & Carers are warmly invited to join our next PARENT COUNCIL Zoom meeting 
on Thursday 25th February at 7pm. (Note the revised date  - previously advertised as Weds 24th). 
Our February meeting will include an update from our Head Teacher and consider objectives for our school improvement in 2021.
Please see February AGENDA: Feb 25th 2021 PC Agenda and Minutes: KPPS minutes December 20-3 from our December meeting attached.
Please email kpps.ptc@gmail.com for the link to the Zoom invite by 5pm Wednesday 24th February at the latest. 
Support fund launched for local people in need Support is now available from Midlothian Council for local people who are in financial difficulty and struggling to buy food, fuel or other essentials. The Midlothian Food and Key Essentials Fund has been launched to help support those facing severe financial hardship as a result of COVID-19 or other exceptional circumstances. It is available for local people of all ages (16 and over), living alone or within a family setting. The fund works by distributing vouchers for food and other essentials. Local people can apply for vouchers for some local supermarkets.  Support is also available to help cover emergency fuel costs. The scheme will work alongside existing food providers in the area. Those applying for assistance will also be offered advice on money matters through a call back service, operated in partnership with Citizens Advice Bureaux (CAB) and Midlothian Financial Inclusion Network. “There are many reasons why people find themselves suffering severe financial difficulties at the moment,” said Midlothian Council Leader, Councillor Derek Milligan. “This could be due to redundancy, a change in individual or family circumstances, domestic violence or other household emergency. The pandemic could have resulted in someone’s income being greatly reduced or them losing their job, which in turn has resulted in them having difficulty buying food, fuel and other basics items. “We understand that many people may not have faced circumstances like this before and that they might be reluctant to ask for help,” added Councillor Milligan. “However, we would urge people to get in touch and can reassure them that their application will be treated in the strictest confidence, with support provided in a dignified and discreet manner.” To find out more, and to apply for the vouchers online, go to www.midlothian.gov.uk/food-fund If you are unable to access the online system or need additional support to complete the form, contact the council’s dedicated helpline on 0131 270 8898.  Essentials fund poster final 14.12.20
  Please see link below to a statement that has gone onto the Midlothian website regarding the decision by the DFM not to close schools early at the Christmas Break. https://www.midlothian.gov.uk/info/200296/coronavirus/626/latest_updates  
KING'S PARK PARENT COUNCIL MEETING - Monday 7.12.2020 All King’s Park Parents & Carers are warmly invited to join our next PARENT COUNCIL virtual meeting to be held via Zoom on Monday 7th December at 7pm. (Note date change from Weds 9th). Please see Minutes from our October meeting here: PC Meeting Minutes OCT 2020.docx-2   Our December meeting will include an update from our Head Teacher and seek parent/carer views on: - ASN provision in mainstream schools (feeds into Midlothian Education's ASN Review) - PTA funded proposed outdoor learning facility in school - Safe access to school and parking. Please see December AGENDA here: Dec 7th 2020 PC Agenda   Please email kpps.ptc@gmail.com for the link to the Zoom invite by 5pm Friday 4th September at the latest.   
Please find the PTA minutes taken at the meeting in October: oct PTA minutes 2020 Please also find the Agenda for the meeting on 24 November 2020: PTA November Agenda
Please find the PTA minutes taken at the meeting in September: Sept PTA minutes 2020 Please also find the Agenda for the meeting on 28 October 2020: PTA October Agenda

King’s Park Primary School Parent Council, AGM Meeting Minutes, Wednesday 17th June 2020:  June 17th KPPS Parent-Council minutes-2

Please the attached letter from Professor Jason Leitch National Clinical Director Scottish Government June 17th KPPS Parent-Council minutes (3)
King’s Park Parents & Carers are warmly invited to join our PARENT COUNCIL virtual meeting to be held via Zoom on Wednesday 9th September at 7pm.
Please email kpps.ptc@gmail.com for the link to the Zoom invite by 5pm Tuesday 8th September at the latest.
Please see the AGENDA here: June 17th KPPS Parent-Council minutes (3)
and the Minutes of the June AGM here: June 17th KPPS Parent-Council minutes (3)
February 20 KPPS Parent-Council minutes
The next Parent Council Meeting will be our end-year AGM and will be held at 7pm on Wednesday 17th June. 
This will be a virtual meeting held over ZOOM (free online meeting app) and it will include a short review of Parent Council and PTA activities for the year to date, with the remainder of the meeting focusing largely on issues surrounding recovery phase planning for school return in August. 
If you would like to join the meeting live online please email us to receive an invite. 
If you can't attend but would like to submit a question to be discussed at the meeting, please email your Parent Council Chair, Aoibhe O'Callaghan.
Click here: Midlothian Educational Psychology Service Helpline
A1 - Midlothian SLT Telephone Helpline info 2020
Please find the minutes below for PTA meetings on 28 January and 28 February PTA Minutes 25 Feb 2020 PTA Minutes 28 Jan 2020.    
Coronavirus Information for Schools 27th February
Have your voice heard about music in Midlothian! MUSIC TUITION FOCUS GROUPS MIDLOTHIAN