The King’s Park Digital Leaders form part of the Digital Leaders Network which includes school pupils from across the United Kingdom.
The role of a Digital Leader is to support the use of digital technology within school. Some of the benefits to Digital Leaders include:
The benefits of employing digital leaders include:
The Digital Leaders meet each Wednesday lunchtime to discuss, train and engage with digital technologies. In King’s Park, the Digital Leaders are part of one of three sub-groups.
The training team’s role is to support the use of digital technology in school by training both pupils and staff in how to use school resources such as iPads, SMARTBoards, audio and video equipment.
The testing team help to evaluate new products and technologies and to feedback teaching staff their thoughts and opinions on how such technology could be used in King’s Park.
The production team are responsible for recording and editing any digital media in the school. This includes creating films, screencasts or podcasts and recording school events.