0131 271 4610

King's Park Primary School


P7a Term Overview

Hello P7a,

Miss Lyall and I are proud of how well you have all engaged in Distance Learning and are happy to be able to share with you the learning we have planned for Term 4.

Numeracy and Maths

We will be focusing on consolidating the children’s knowledge of the key areas of Numeracy following the MUMP Planner. We will have a maths focus on ‘measurement’, ‘angles’ and ‘symmetry’. We will use digital learning to enhance our understanding of Numeracy and Maths concepts through our Sumdog app.


In Reading, we will be focusing on Finding and Using Information, as well as Enjoyment and Choice.

Our Writing focus will be creating imaginative texts.  We will develop our sentence structure by looking at using commas to create clauses in sentences.  We will also improve our sentences by developing our use of a variety of sentence openers.  Using an assortment of familiar activities, we will continue to practise our spelling words each week.

Listening and Talking activities will focus on the children’s presenting skills through video uploads on SeeSaw.

We will also be working on a Shakespeare topic this term.  This will include other areas of our curriculum, making this an Interdisciplinary Learning Topic.


As mentioned in the ‘Literacy’ section, we have an Interdisciplinary Learning focus on Shakespeare this term.

We will also be learning about ‘Plants, Animals and Food Chains’.

The transition to High School will be a priority for our learners this term, with more information to follow.

We will undertake a range of cross-curricular activities to learn more about these topics.  Children will be asked to present their research in a variety of ways i.e. mini research projects, SeeSaw video uploads and through creating texts in creative ways.

Health and Wellbeing

We will explore a variety of areas in Health and Wellbeing this term, learning about subjects including ‘Online Safety’, ‘Transition to High School’ and ‘Substance Misuse’.  Mental and emotional wellbeing will be a particular focus at this challenging time.

P.E. activities will be shared by Mrs Campbell each week.  You may also want to also use some of the online resources that are available i.e. Joe Wicks.


The children will practise their French with Mrs Lovett through online learning activities.  Duolingo is also a useful App that you may wish to download.

Please let me know if you have any questions or are experiencing any difficulties with the Seesaw app.

Take care and see you soon!

Miss McKay


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