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King's Park Primary School


Children’s Learning

There has been a lot of very unusual weather this week but that has not deterred the children . We have enjoyed lots of outdoor play and forest Visits this week .

At forests school this week after the high winds we found a large broken tree branch and the children wanted to bring it back to nursery. So we all worked together and heaved and pulled till we managed to drag it all the way back.


Great Teamwork, co operation and leadership as one child was directing the others.


There has been lots of learning taking place in the play dough area. Giving the children lots of different dry ingredients and water to see what they produce. There have been some very delicious cakes being made. We have added scales and other kitchen equipment to the area and this has proved very popular




We have looked at colour mixing and blending paints, patterns in paper and there have been some truly lovely pictures painted by the children. There continues to be a very keen interest in model making and we would really be grateful if parents , grandparents would save their boxes and tubes from home for us.




We have also been on rhubarb watch this week! One of the children noticed our rhubarb beginning to grow and was very excited about this. We wondered how big it would get as it grew so we took a measurement and we will see just how big it becomes over the next few weeks.


Some of the children decided to create a lake in the gravel pit and cleared the stones designing their own pathways and river bed which apparently also had “nibbly crocodiles !”





There was some learning around floating and sinking in the water area outdoors and a great deal of interest in transporting water. This is something that has been an interest with the children for several weeks and the staff are providing lots of provocations for this learning.




In Literacy there has been lots of different opportunities for the children to understand the story of the Gingerbread Man our story of the month. We have enjoyed the book with pictures , enjoyed it without picture and someone just telling us the story and we loved the story when it was told with props and puppets. These different ways of telling the same story are such a wonderful way for children to have the understanding that a story can be retold in so many ways but enjoyed just the same.




Magnetic exploration continues to be a very popular learning activity and the boys have really enjoyed discovering what they can do with the magnets. We have used iron fillings this week but going around the room to discover what is or isn’t magnetic still remains the favorite. Though looking at this little one he has some magical powers with the magnet.




We have also been looking at our books and sorting them out for use with the borrowing library. Please come in and use the library at any time.

We have welcomed our new MA’s to the nursery and look forward to working with them over the coming months.

As of this week we have had a slight reshuffle of staff. Groups going forward are

Red Group – Mrs Rao and Miss Harker

Orange Group – Mrs Fenwick and Mrs Mehilli

Yellow Group – Mrs Tierny, Mrs Stark and Miss Igoe

Green Group – Mrs Calder, Mrs Paterson and Miss Pye

Blue Group – Mrs Dalziel, Mrs Morgan and Miss Marachieanu

If you have any questions regarding these small changes please feel free to chat with Mrs Paterson or Mrs Rao.







Other News





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Letter from Fiona Robertson, Executive Director Children, Young People & Partnerships and return to school in August 221

Dear Parents and Carers Please see the attached letter from Fiona Robertson, Executive Director Children, Young People & Partnerships regarding the return to school this term. Parent_Carer_August 2021 Please also find attached a copy of the letter we issued in June regarding our return to school after the summer holidays, this includes the staggered start and [...]





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Dear Parents and Carers Please see the attached letter regarding a confirmed case of Covid 19 at King’s Park Primary School. Letter to All Parents re confirmed case of COVID19 in school Kind regards KPPS





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April Newsletter

Dear Parents and Carers, Please find attached our most recent Newsletter. Newsletter March 2021 We hope you have a lovely Easter break! Kind regards, KPPS





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Letter from Fiona Robertson Executive Director Children, Young People & Partnerships

Dear Parents/Carers Please see the link below that contains a letter from Fiona Robertson, Executive Director Children, Young People & Partnerships. Parent_Carers_20210401 Kind regards KPPS