I am greatly looking forward to our very busy summer term. P4/5 pupils have been highly motivated and I am very proud of their enthusiasm and fantastic distance learning using activities on Seesaw, Education City and their great work on Sumdog! Here is an overview of our proposed learning for this term
Numeracy and Maths
This term we will be focusing on practical maths activities which pupils can do at home through Seesaw activities, Education City, Sumdog and outdoor learning to study measure (length, volume, weight, perimeter and area), money, time (12, 24 hour clock and durations), data handling (interpreting and forming different tables and graphs, coordinates), shape, symmetry and angles. In numeracy we will be doing consolidation of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division work, fractions, decimals and percentages using various strategies. Where possible we will link these activities to topic work.
This term we will be focusing on non-fiction writing such as report writing, persuasive writing and note taking. We will make the most of the pupils having access to the internet and take advantage of home learning by linking literacy activities to topic as much as possible. There will be some activities focused on personal news and creative writing.
Pupils will research to find information and write what they have learned and display their work in various forms such as posters and leaflets to convey information. We will do persuasive writing, describing events or explaining a process. Pupils will watch video clips and take notes and to select the main information. Pupils will develop their talking and presenting skills through Seesaw video and audio clips. We will also continue with spelling and reading comprehension tasks, reading for enjoyment and to develop tools for reading and writing.
Spring and Lifecycles: we will study the lifecycles of a variety of plants and animals to recognise the different stages of development and begin to understand that features are genetically inherited.
Matter: through various Seesaw activities and personal investigations pupils will learn about matter and the properties of solids, liquids and gases. We will learn about the physical state and energy in atoms and molecules and the physical change in matter from one state to another due to environmental pressure or temperature.
Rainforest: we will study biodiversity, biological systems, topical science, people, place and environment.
Pupils will study rainforest geography and learn about the vast biodiversity and biological systems through researching plants and animals and their food chains. We will explore the four different layer systems as well as the climate and weather patterns and the importance of rainforests, the produce such as fruit, medicines and timber and the effects of deforestation on our planet. Pupils will also be encouraged to explore how their lives compare and contrast to the communities living within the rainforests and will be given the opportunity to design and create a musical instrument. We will use various science sources on the internet, such as BBC schools to research and present findings on Seesaw. Pupils will carry out practical investigations and give written and oral feedback in presentations.
Health and Wellbeing
In Health and Wellbeing we will be looking at keeping ourselves safe, washing hands, healthy eating, fresh air, exercise and sleep.
PE activities will be shared by Mrs Campbell through Seesaw and pupils will be encouraged to use these and the Joe Wicks’ activity sessions in addition to outdoor
activities where possible. We will also be doing activities to address emotional health and personal and social development such as emotional check-ins, encouraging pupils to share and discuss their learning, news and emotions through Seesaw comments and presentations. Pupils will do a variety of activities which promote kindness, respect, gratitude, responsibility, confidence, resilience, perseverance, growth mindset and emotional awareness.
The pupils will practise their French with Mrs Lovett through various online learning activities.
I very much appreciate your feedback and continuing encouragement and support.
Kind regards,
Catriona McMillan
Primary 5
Letter from Fiona Robertson, Executive Director Children, Young People & Partnerships and return to school in August 221
Dear Parents and Carers Please see the attached letter from Fiona Robertson, Executive Director Children, Young People & Partnerships regarding the return to school this term. Parent_Carer_August 2021 Please also find attached a copy of the letter we issued in June regarding our return to school after the summer holidays, this includes the staggered start and [...]
Primary 5
April Newsletter
Dear Parents and Carers, Please find attached our most recent Newsletter. Newsletter March 2021 We hope you have a lovely Easter break! Kind regards, KPPS
Primary 5
Letter from Fiona Robertson Executive Director Children, Young People & Partnerships
Dear Parents/Carers Please see the link below that contains a letter from Fiona Robertson, Executive Director Children, Young People & Partnerships. Parent_Carers_20210401 Kind regards KPPS