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King's Park Primary School


P2b Term Overview

Welcome to P2B’s term overview. I am so excited to be P2B’s teacher for the final term of Primary 2!

This information should provide you with an overview of learning for this term. Obviously our circumstances are very different from what we are used to but I hope this reassures you that teaching and learning will still continue.  Teaching and learning activities will be posted daily to Seesaw. If I can be of any support or assistance please don’t hesitate to get in touch via the ‘inbox’ option on Seesaw.

Numeracy and Maths:
This term we will focus on counting forwards and backwards within 100 and beyond.
We will continue to practise ordering and sequencing numbers and we will work on our quick recall of number bonds to 20 (e.g. 17 + 3, 12 + 8) and doubles and halves within 20. Different strategies will be introduced to support addition and subtraction and we will continue to practise sharing, describing and building arrays and counting in 2s, 3s, 4s 5s and 10s to support our understanding of multiplication and division.
In Maths, we will continue to develop our understanding of money through coin recognition and change. Following this we will focus on shape and symmetry. We will describe and create symmetrical patterns and learn the properties of 2D shapes and 3D objects.
In addition, we will use digital learning to enhance our understanding of Numeracy and Maths concepts through our Sumdog and Education City apps.

We will continue to follow ‘Literacy Rich’ to introduce new sounds/spelling patterns and common words (as well as revising those taught previously).
In reading, we will be engaging with a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts to allow learners to practise and apply their skills of understanding, analysing and evaluating texts, as well as developing their ability to find and use information from a text.
Writing tasks will be mostly related to our class topics and will include pieces of fiction and non-fiction writing. We will explore the features of both fiction and non fiction pieces of writing and use this knowledge to include these features in our own writing.

IDL Topic
We will engage with science through focusing on The Water Cycle and Food Chains. I hope that you are interested in these topics and that, in turn, your interests will lead this learning. Both topics provide opportunities to support writing, reading and listening and talking tasks. I am looking forward to the practical activities these topics provide. I’m sure you will enjoy them!

Health and Wellbeing
Remember to use the allocated 1 hour each day to get outside for some exercise and fresh air! P.E. activities will be shared by Mrs Campbell each week. You may also use some of the online resources that are available i.e. Joe Wicks, Cosmic Kids Yoga etc.
Weekly ‘check ins’ will also be introduced to ensure that learners’ emotional wellbeing is being supported throughout this time.

Please let me know if there is anything further I can help you with,

Miss Hoffman


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