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King's Park Primary School


P2a Term Overview

Welcome to P2A’s overview for this term. I am excited to continue our learning this term using lots of innovative methods.

This term we will continue to our distanced learning through utilising Seesaw where tasks will be uploaded daily. One numeracy, literacy and learning across the curriculum task will be uploaded for learners to complete at a time that is suitable for our families. This term we will be continuing on with new learning, including starting new topics. However, we will also use this time to consolidate prior learning which has been covered in school.

I hope you find the following information useful, and the activities on Seesaw purposeful and engaging.


This term in Numeracy and Maths we will be continuing our focus on forward and backward number sequences, counting to and beyond 100, as well as counting in and working with odd and even numbers. We will continue our work on addition and subtraction within 100, introducing different strategies to help learners as well as revising our Basic Facts and quick recall number bonds. We will also continue our work on multiplication and division, focusing on equal sharing, arrays and working on multiplication strategies. In Maths, we will continue our learning on money through coin recognition and change. We will move to cover symmetry through describing and creating symmetrical patterns. We will also learn about 2D and 3D shape.

Health and Wellbeing:

This term in Health and Wellbeing we will continue to follow the Basic Moves programme, focussing on personal qualities such as resilience, responsibility and leadership. We will revise prior learning on ball skills – practising activities which include throwing and catching. We will also work on our emotional wellbeing this term and have weekly check-ins to track and discuss feelings and emotions. We will look revise the Emotions Work programme that we use in class to refresh learning on emotion triggers, behaviours and regulation strategies. Learning this term can be complemented by the use of many online fitness activities including: PE with Joe, Cosmic Yoga and 5-a-day Fitness – all of which are available free of charge online.


This term we will be continuing with our Literacy Rich programme to consolidate taught sounds as well as learn and use new sounds in different contexts. This will include reading, writing and word building activities. In addition, we will continue the learning of common words to be able to recognise and spell these. In Reading, we will be engaging with a variety of online fiction and non-fiction texts to allow learners to practise and apply their skills in understanding, analysing and evaluating texts, as well as developing their ability to find and use information. Writing tasks will be mostly be related to our class topics and will include pieces of fiction and non-fiction writing and identifying features that these pieces of writing would include.


Our Topics this term will be Science based and focussed on The Water Cycle and Food Chains. We will learn to identify, name, and describe states of water, and how it changes from one form to another. As well as learning about things that can dissolve. We will also be learning about living and non-living things and how living things can be grouped. In addition, how plants and animals rely on each other for food and what a food chain is. These topics will involve children presenting their learning in a variety of ways and will include practical activities that can be done at home as well as writing, reading, and talking and listening tasks.

As ever, please do not hesitate to get in contact if I can be of any assistance.

Mr Thomson


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