P2a shared the Super Learner stories and everything they know about learning with P6b.
They have now created a profile for each Super Learner and the skills that they have and will send these over to the P6s.
We are looking forward to learning about learning together.
Primary 6
Letter from Fiona Robertson, Executive Director Children, Young People & Partnerships and return to school in August 221
Dear Parents and Carers Please see the attached letter from Fiona Robertson, Executive Director Children, Young People & Partnerships regarding the return to school this term. Parent_Carer_August 2021 Please also find attached a copy of the letter we issued in June regarding our return to school after the summer holidays, this includes the staggered start and [...]
Primary 6
April Newsletter
Dear Parents and Carers, Please find attached our most recent Newsletter. Newsletter March 2021 We hope you have a lovely Easter break! Kind regards, KPPS
Primary 6
Letter from Fiona Robertson Executive Director Children, Young People & Partnerships
Dear Parents/Carers Please see the link below that contains a letter from Fiona Robertson, Executive Director Children, Young People & Partnerships. Parent_Carers_20210401 Kind regards KPPS