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King's Park Primary School


P4b Term Overview

Welcome to P4B’s class overview.

I hope you find this to be useful and informative. We will be continuing to provide learning activities within numeracy, literacy and learning across the curriculum. We will be revising previous knowledge while also exploring some new topics. I hope you find these activities to be helpful, while also offering some challenge and choice. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me if you need any advice or support with your child’s learning.

Numeracy and Maths

This term we shall be continuing to develop pupil’s knowledge and understanding across all areas of Numeracy. We will continue to explore numbers and their structure to 1000 and beyond and develop a variety of skills and strategies which can be used in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We will further explore fractions including finding a fraction of a shape or amount as well as exploring equivalent fractions. Additionally, we will look at a range of Maths topics including time, measurement and money. Each day there will be a task set which will look at a different aspect or topic mentioned above. Activities will be varied and include some written and some active tasks. We also encourage pupils to regularly access their Sumdog account to consolidate their skills and knowledge through the range of games available.


This term we will be setting a variety of tasks to develop skills and knowledge within different areas of Literacy. Weekly spelling words will continue to be sent to children and a variety of active spelling activities will encourage children to learn new rules and patterns. There will also be a variety of grammar activities set each week. In reading, we will be continuing to develop key reading skills through a range of activities including reading comprehension tasks. Within writing, we will be primarily focusing on creating non-fiction texts and looking at some of the key features of non-chronological reports and diagrams. We will also look at developing fictional writing through various tasks.

Learning Across the Curriculum

Each day, as well as a Literacy and Numeracy and Maths activity, there will be a Learning Across the Curriculum task set. Much of this will be centred around our topics for the term which will include space, weather and properties of materials. Tasks within Literacy and Numeracy may also link to these topics. There will also be activities set in areas such as French, Expressive Arts and Health and Wellbeing.

In addition to these three key areas, we will continue to share exciting learning opportunities that are becoming available throughout this time such as Joe Wick’s P.E sessions, Fischy Music assemblies or exciting live lessons.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me if you need any advice or support with your child’s learning.

Take care,

Miss Craig


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