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King's Park Primary School


P1c Term Overview

Welcome Parents and Pupils of Primary One,

We are really excited with everything that the Primary One team have planned for you over the next term. Even though our learning will be a little bit different, we are going to do everything we can to ensure that you are all progressing with your learning. We will continue to upload our weekly PowerPoints which include lesson plans, learning ideas, fun videos that aid and assist with learning and motivational messages to keep your morale high. We will also be available on Seesaw to mark and comment on the work you are doing at home. We will mark work that requires marking and offer advice and tips on how to take your learning further.

Numeracy and Maths:

This term we will be focussing on the four different numerical areas which will be differentiated appropriately depending on the colour group of the individual child. Within ‘number word sequences and numerals’ our focus will be gaining confidence with recognising, identifying and ordering numerals. We will also look at ordinal numbers and identifying odd and even numbers. Within ‘number structures’ we will continue our development of recognising a variety of patterns and random arrays through subitising, identifying pair-wise patterns and combining dot patterns and continue with their understanding of arhythmical sequences. Within ‘counting strategies’ we are going to look at their understanding of the numeral zero, counting counters when collections are unscreened, one screened and two screened. We will also look at mental arithmetic and subtraction with either unscreened, one screened or / and two screened. Our fourth and final area, ‘counting strategies, multiplication, division and fractions’ will ensure the children cover describing, organising and sharing equal groups and shares. They will also be introduced to a variety of appropriate mathematical vocabulary and begin to use them with more confidence. We will continue to supply lesson ideas and worksheets or links to lessons within Sumdog to aid with the learning.

This term in maths we will looking at Money, Angle, Symmetry and Transformation and also Data and Analysis. As above, maths will also be supported with lesson ideas, YouTube videos, worksheets and activities through the Sumdog app and the Topmarks website.


This term in reading we will be focussing on Tools for Reading, Understanding, Analysing and Evaluating as well as Enjoyment and Choice.  We will be working our way to the end of Block 2 of our Literacy Rich programme, focusing on word building with diagraphs and spelling a range of common words. Handwriting will continue to be a key focus while we look at improving our letter formation. We will continue to work on our punctuation when forming sentences and will be creating different types of text; from imaginative to non-fiction. Listening and Talking activities will include finding and using information and asking relevant questions to better understand and evaluate texts.

IDL Topic:
In our Discovery Room this term we will be continuing to develop an understanding of science in the world through different experiences. We will also be exploring materials and find reasons for using them for different reasons. We will have a look at how local shops and services use technologies to provide us with what we need and want in our daily lives. We are going to continue to play with and explore technologies to discover what they can do and how they help us. We will also be looking at how to Keep Ourselves Safe.

Health and Wellbeing, French, Drama and STEAM:

In Health and Wellbeing P.E. will be shared by Mrs Campbell each week. We will also be taking part in Joe Wicks daily fitness class and relaxing with Cosmic Yoga.

The children will alternate between drama and steam lessons ensuring that they are covering all the required curricular areas. This term in French, the children’s focus will be numbers, days of the week, months of the year, clothes, family and having small conversations where they gain confidence asking simple questions like name and age. We will be uploading lesson plans that explain the expected teaching and offers ideas on how this may be delivered. We will be using a variety of uploaded video links that have been approved by the Midlothian 1+ 2 portal.

Together we will make this a term that you will always remember but most importantly we want you to stay safe until we meet again.

Happy learning everyone!

Mrs Bissoonauth and Mrs Milne.


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